Henry Golding wasn’t exactly a household name before August 2018. However, with the critical acclaim that Crazy Rich Asians is receiving, no doubt many viewers will be curious about the leading man’s personal life. You know, the normal level one-typeRead more…
I didn’t like ‘Crazy Rich Asians’, but ecstatic that Rotten Tomatoes loves it
I was both excited and apprehensive to attend a preview screening of Crazy Rich Asians last week. I was thrilled because Crazy Rich Asians is the first movie from a major studio that had an all Asian-American cast. The ideaRead more…
Deadpool 2 features not one, but TWO Asian actors as X-Force superheros
With the third installment of the Avengers: Infinity War sucking up any and all superhero media coverage, the fact that Deadpool 2 introduces more than a handful of new mutants has been lost in the scramble for any tidbit aboutRead more…
The definitive list of Asian characters in Marvel movies or T.V. series
From Mantis to Lady Deathstrike, Wong to Psylocke, Marvel movies have given some visibility to Asian actors and beloved comic book characters. With the recent casting news of Chinese-Scottish actress Gemma Chan as Minn-erva in the Ms. Marvel movie, weRead more…