Soluble Fiber Me! These are the 15 best foods high in soluble fiber | Covering the Intersections of Race, Culture, Sexuality, and Fashion | 48min Soluble Fiber Me! These are the 15 best foods high in soluble fiber | Covering the Intersections of Race, Culture, Sexuality, and Fashion | 48min

Soluble Fiber Me! These are the 15 best foods high in soluble fiber

According to this beauty blog, when you’re attempting to eat a healthy diet, one nutrient that should always be prevalent in your diet is soluble fiber, which is a type of fiber that will soften your bowel movements and aid in the improvement of your health. If you’re searching for foods that are particularly high in soluble fiber, the following is a list of 15 foods that contain a significant amount of this nutrient.

The 15 Foods for Soluble Fiber

1. Black Beans Black beans are known for having a fantastic texture and also being a wonderful source of fiber. If you’re creating a keto diet meal plan, this food is very versatile and comes with 15 grams of fiber in a single cup of beans, which is around 50 percent of your daily fiber needs.

2. Brussels Sprouts If you’ve never had Brussels sprouts before, this vegetable contains an ample amount of minerals and vitamins. The amount of soluble fiber in a cup of Brussels sprouts is around four grams. Keep in mind that this fiber can bolster the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

3. Barley Barley is a fantastic grain that’s typically used to thicken stews, risottos, and soups. It contains a high amount of a specific soluble fiber known as beta-glucan, which can lessen your heart disease risk. You can get just under one gram of soluble fiber in a half cup of cooked barley.

4. Sunflower Seeds Sunflower seeds make for a fantastic and tasty snack that will provide you with the daily soluble fiber that you require for a healthy diet. While there are around three grams of standard fiber for every one-quarter cup of seeds, around one gram of this fiber is soluble.

5. Oats Oats are very healthy grains that are used in everything from cereals to scones. There are just under two grams of soluble fiber in one cup of oats. These fibers can also improve your blood sugar levels. Learn more about the Benefits of Porridge Oats here.

6. Apples Apples are very common fruits that can range in taste from very sweet to very sour. The soluble fiber known as pectin is found in high quantities in most apples. You can expect to get one gram of fiber for every apple you eat.

7. FigsĀ  Figs are very nutritious plants that contain everything from magnesium to calcium. Both fresh and dried figs consist of high amounts of soluble fiber. If you’re eating dried figs, you can obtain around two grams of soluble fiber for every one-quarter cup of figs.

8. Carrots Carrots are healthy vegetables that are commonly steamed or boiled before being eaten. Carrots are known to be beneficial for a person’s eyes and can provide 2.5 grams of soluble fiber in a cup of carrots.

9. Pears Pears have a delicious taste to them and are also very healthy. If you eat a medium-sized pear, you’ll be provided with about 1.6 grams of soluble fiber, most of which is available in the form of pectin.

10. Broccoli Broccoli is a dark green vegetable that mainly grows during the cooler seasons. This vegetable can strengthen your gut health and has antioxidant properties. A half cup of cooked broccoli has 1.5 grams of soluble fiber.

11. Turnips These are root vegetables that are high in such nutrients as calcium and calcium. A half cup of cooked turnips comes with nearly 1.7 grams of soluble fiber.

12. Avocados While avocados come from Mexico, they have become popular all over the world. A single avocado consists of more than four grams of soluble fiber. Enjoy them green or brown and still get soluble fiber..

13. Lima Beans While Lima beans are known for being high in protein and carbohydrates, they also come with more than five grams of soluble fiber for a three-quarter cup of beans. Keep in mind that these beans must be fully soaked and boiled before they are edible.

14. Nectarines Nectarines are similar to peaches but without the fuzzy skin that the latter fruit is known for. One nectarine comes with nearly 1.5 grams of soluble fiber.

15. Hazelnuts These delectable nuts are great when eaten raw or when roasted, the latter of which offers an even more potent flavor. A one-quarter cup of hazelnuts comes with more than 1.1 grams of soluble fiber. For precise measurements, you can check out this list of the best digital kitchen scales.

With these 15 foods that are high in soluble fiber, you’ll be able to eat healthy while at the same time varying what you eat throughout the week. Even if you don’t like one or two of these foods, there are more than enough options available that cater to every palate. If you’re crafting a diet plan, these 15 foods should provide you with everything you need to get the right amount of fiber for your diet. And if you’re looking for a blood-sugar-regulating supplement, check out


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