We’re approximately 44 days away from Avengers Endgame coming out on April 26th, 2019. Infinity War broke records left and right, so it’s safe to say (but also a huge understatement) that Endgame is 2019‘s most-anticipated film. As the longest Marvel movie to date, it promises to be epic. So epic we plan on making double the amount of Avengers GIFs this year.
In any case, we are in the endgame now and let’s talk about when Avengers Endgame pre-sale tickets go on sale, when we can expect the Avengers Endgame’s final trailer, and when Marvel Studios and Disney plans on lifting their review embargo. There’s a lot of considerations to those questions and “timing” is the answer to all three for different reasons. Read on for the release dates on why we think the way we do.
When Does the Avengers Emndgame Final Trailer Come Out?
Now that Avengers: Endgame trailers #1 and trailer #2 (that came out during the Super Bowl) have officially been released, that only serves to hand two potato chips to someone who is starving — they’ll never be completely satiated until they finish the bag. Sorry for the bad analogy, but if you’re a fan like me, you know what I’m talking about. We just want more Endgame all the time.
So when will the third trailer come out and will it be the final trailer? As we mentioned in our introduction to this post, much has to do with timing and Captain Marvel. Since Captain Marvel was just released on March 8th, the studios want fans to focus on that movie and time to digest all the clues, Easter Eggs and other hints especially considering that Captain Marvel is going to play a big role in Endgame and in the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Ok so when can we expect the next trailer? Marvel is obviously tight-lipped, so we’ll have to gather information from some reputable sources. That source is Trailer Track which is a website (and Twitter account) that usually accurately predicts when trailers are coming out. Endgame is so big that Trailer Track actually has their prediction in their profile description saying:
Tracking film trailer release shenanigans since 2016. #AvengersEndgame likely between Mar 25-Apr 5, SW #IX around Apr 11-15 | info(at)trailer-track(dot)com
Not the most-specific timeframe but there you have it. The next Endgame trailer will likely land 2.5 weeks to three weeks after the release of Captain Marvel. That makes lots of sense as it’s smack dab between the two MCU movies’ release dates.
When are Avengers: Endgame Presale Tickets Going On Sale?
First things first WE WANT TO SEE THIS MOVIE ASAP, so let’s figure out when presale tickets go on sale for this three-hour MCU finale. With Infinity War’s presale tickets going up five weeks before the release date, that obviously isn’t going to happen in this case as we’re already at that point and we think they’ll release one more trailer before that.
Again, it’s all timing and Captain Marvel. They want to be sure that Marvel fans spend their movie ticket monies on Captain Marvel before they ante up for Endgame. In other words Marvel doesn’t want to potentially cannibalize their own ticket sales. Like with the final trailer prediction above, somewhere between the releases of Cap. Marvel and Endgame, we’ll get the official date of Avengers: Endgame pre-sale tickets.
According to the all-knowing Reddit community, Avengers: Endgame pre-sale tickets is slated for April 2nd, 2019, likely right after the third (and final?) trailer comes out. If that April 2nd date holds then that’s about three weeks after Captain Marvel’s March 8th release and about three weeks before Endgame storms the theaters.
What’s the Date of Avengers: Endgame Review Embargo?
So concerned about spoilers coming out and ruining the movie for potential moviegoers and Avengers fans that Directors Joe and Anthony Russo Brothers implored fans to keep a lid on Infinity War Spoilers in an open letter that went out on social media. That’s why we believe Avengers Endgame will have a late lift on the review embargo. It’ll be much later than any normal film but we predict that it will have a similar timeline to Infinity War’s review embargo.
So with Avengers: Endgame coming out on Friday, April 26th, we strongly believe that the Avengers: Endgame review embargo date will technically lift that Monday of the film’s release. Social media reactions will come out Monday, April 22nd, 2019. For traditional media and online movie reviews of Avengers: Endgame, expect that the following day on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019.
We’re in the endgame and these are the last milestones before it.