What is "Trumpism" and why is it so dangerous? | Covering the Intersections of Race, Culture, Sexuality, and Fashion | 48min What is "Trumpism" and why is it so dangerous? | Covering the Intersections of Race, Culture, Sexuality, and Fashion | 48min

What is “Trumpism” and why is it so dangerous?

Header image from Louise Basher Johns Instagram

The framers of our Constitution designed a system of checks and balances with three coequal branches of government, empowered to reign in the most reactionary and radical ebbs and flows of popular opinion, and to secure the fundamental, inalienable rights of all Americans.

The survival of our Republic as it was conceived is dependent on each branch of government remaining disciplined and independent of one another, and remaining loyal only to the Constitution and the American people—not to a party, nor, especially, to one man.

The U.S. Senate, the upper chamber of the legislative branch, was once touted as “the world’s greatest deliberative body.” And throughout our history, there have certainly been times that were true.

Trumpism Defined.

This allegiance to power and partisanship over the needs and interests of the American people, and the illiberal, nativist populism Trump espouses, that is what Trumpism is.

The current Republican Senate majority’s loyalty to the American people and the Constitution has been replaced by absolutist partisanship, a zero-sum, no holds barred political calculus, and allegiance to a party led by a deranged, unhinged, immoral narcissist. That is Trumpism. It’s absolutely an attack on our democracy, the functions of our government and threatens the foundation of not just our country, but truth.

Trumpism has given rise to anti-maskers, legitimized racists and allowed conspiracy theories to flourish. He isn’t fully aware much less cares about the collateral damage as long as it gets him closer to what he wants. Donald Trump cares about himself over anyone else 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th – he is the embodiment of the individual over the collective — thus Trumpism.

Above image from drainedeye Instagram

What happens after Trump is evicted from the White House?

Make no mistake Donald Trump will leave the White House in a matter of weeks, but Trumpism is here to stay – at least for the immediate future. It’s a brand that has proven to be a persistent, pernicious force that will not so easily be removed or deprogrammed. Trumpers are loyal to their brand; we’re just not sure how many there are.

Donald Trump brought our nation to the precipice of calamity—a cliff we are only beginning to slowly inch back from—and he did so with support, guidance, and counsel from sycophants who encouraged and enabled his worst ideas and instincts.

We must hold accountable those in power who, at the very least, did nothing to prevent Donald Trump’s desecration of our nation’s highest office and revered institutions.

We now know the names of those who cannot be counted on to hold truth to power, put country over party, and defend the Republic.

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