Science fiction stories are often centered around nonhuman intelligence, no matter if it’s animal, alien or artificial. And things in these stories usually don’t go too well for humanity. Sci-fi storytellers usually attach well-known, tried-and-tested properties to these nonhuman entitiesRead more…
How to change the background color on an Instagram story photo on Android phones
If you have a mobile phone, we’re going to assume you’re probably on Instagram. If you’re on an Android phone using Instagram then a good chunk of you are probably wondering how you can change the background color on anRead more…
What is The local TV streaming app is being sued by ABC, NBC and CBS
If you’re a cord-cutter, then you might be familiar with allows users of their app to watch local network channels and the organization considers themselves the “Robin Hood of TV.” However, “Big Media” contends that the company’s intentionsRead more…